Today the news from Canada remains bleak. The Canadian
government has ignored findings from independent scientists and
veterinarians and set the kill quota even higher than last year
-- an astonishing 275,000 seals, almost all babies just days or
weeks of age, will be clubbed and shot over the next few months.
Scientists warn that the seal hunt poses a threat to the
survival of seal populations, particularly as harp seals now
face the added threat of global warming. And veterinary panels
have concluded that the slaughter results in "considerable and
unacceptable suffering,"
noting that sealers often fail to
comply with anti-cruelty laws. That's why I'm asking for your
help to send a strong message to the Canadian government to end
the seal slaughter.
Contact the Canadian Minister of International Trade, David
Emerson, and urge him to end the seal hunt. Click here: TAKE ACTION !!!
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