... please sign the Petition for the South Atlantic Whale Sanctuary to add your voice to those calling for a South Atlantic Whale Sanctuary. Thanks to other IFAW supporters we already have more than 35,000 signatures. Please help us reach our goal of 100,000 names in time for the next International Whaling Commission (IWC) meeting, which starts on June 23rd, 2008, in Santiago, Chile.
A commitment to conservation
This year, Commission members will consider a proposal to create a
South Atlantic Whale Sanctuary that would extend across the South
Atlantic, from the coast of South America to the coast of Africa, and
on down towards Antarctica. The vote on the South Atlantic Whale Sanctuary provides a vital
opportunity for the IWC to show that it is committed to whale
Sign on to Save the Whales
Although commercial whaling has been banned for more than two decades, Japan, Iceland and Norway continue to fire harpoons into these gentle creatures. More than 30,000 whales have been killed since the 1986 ban on commercial whaling. You can help make the world a safer place for whales by protecting one of the largest whale habitats.